About Red Team Report

About Red Team Report

A Portfolio of Sorts

This site functions, at the moment, as a public portfolio of the author's offensive security mADskILLz. This may change upon gainful employment of the author (SEE: WILL HACK FOR FOOD!). Either it will be abandoned, continued as is, or expanded...

"Enjoy the mystery." – A Serious Man (Film)

About the Author

AsFirstPerson.write """

My name is Exiquio Cooper-Anderson (LinkedIn). I am a husband, father, former software engineer, failed real estate and insurance broker, disable US Army veteran, and an aspiring red team operator.

I live in Albuquerque, NM, USA - home of Breaking Bad (TV Series), green chile (if it's spelled with an "i" at the end, it's not authentic), and Balloon Fiesta. When I am not playing hacker, I'm probably playing dad. I look forward to the day my daughter's think I'm annoying and old.

I'm a serious man (<– see what I did?), so I will leave the reader (that's you) with this:

"It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out." – Proverbs 25:2 (Holy Bible, ESV)
